Helium Leak Detector
Helium Leak Detector ZQJ-2000 Max inlet pressure 1000Pa Detectabel leak rate2*E-11 Pa*m3/s
With nearly 50 years of vacuum leak detection technology experience, KYKY is the largest R&D and production base of HLD and has the independent intellectual property rights for vacuum leak detection system. The leak detectors and leak detection systems developed by KYKY provide advanced and effective leak detection solutions to aerospace, power electronics, air conditioning refrigeration, chemical metallurgy, medical equipment, semiconductor production and many other applications to meet the demands in various fields.
Helium Leak Detector, ZQJ-3200, Min rate 5*1E-13, Display 5E-13 to 1E-1
In the vacuum method test gas is blown against the wall of the evacuated sample from the atmosphere side. It enters the sample at leaks and is fed to the leak detector. The sample must be vacuum pressure-proof. The sensitivity stages GROSS —FINE—ULTRA are run through. The detection limit is lower than in the sniffing method. The helium concentration at the leak must be known in order to quantify the leak. The state of equilibrium must be waited for.